Visitors from Austria and Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Cahaterine WALTER-LAGER (Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz) and Prof. Dr. Manfred PFİFFNER (Padagogische Hochschule Zürich) visited the Department of Preschool Education, Department of Basic Education on October 30-31 as part of Erasmus staff mobility. Prof. Dr. Gülden UYANIK, Head of the Department of Preschool Education, contacted the professors and the arrangements for their visit and seminar were made by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asude BALABAN DAĞAL and Dr. Esin DİBEK. The guest professors were first received by our dean Prof. Dr. Seyfi KENAN on October 30th. After an informative conversation about the education systems in different countries, they were presented with gifts from our faculty as a souvenir. Then, Prof. Dr. Gülden UYANIK, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asude BALABAN DAĞAL, Dr. Esin DİBEK and Dr. Tosun YALÇINKAYA from the Department of Preschool Education, contacts were made on preschool education and teacher training in our countries, while mutual cooperation issues were discussed and opinions were exchanged with our guests. Prof. Dr. Cahaterine WALTER-LAGER (Karl-Franzens-Universitat Graz) and Prof. Dr. Manfred PFİFFNER (Padagogische Hochschule Zürich) gave a seminar titled "Quality in Early Childhood Education" to our students in two sessions on October 31st. The seminar focused on the pre-school education practices in different countries.

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